Thomson Reuters unveils new solution to deliver precision in clinical genomic interpretation

Nov. 24, 2014

Media and information firm Thomson Reuters previewed its upcoming Clinical Genomics Toolkit at the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) conference held in Washington, DC, earlier this month. The Clinical Genomics Toolkit is a solution designed to further the analysis and clinical interpretation of human genomic variation from next generation sequencing (NGS) testing. It includes content from a variety of global sources including clinical guidelines, clinical trials, FDA approvals and full-text peer-reviewed journals. It will also provide access to a growing list of evidence based analytics powered by Thomson Reuters’ manual curation process.

The Clinical Genomics Tool Kit comprises:

  • Genomic variants and their association to disease and drug response, with a breadth and depth of evidence that allows more precise interpretation of a variant’s phenotypic affect
  • Recruiting clinical trials and their inclusion/exclusion criteria, which allows discovery of possible trials for the patient
  • Drug targets and their associated drug pipeline, including drugs in early biological testing through to marketed drugs, which drives identification of both standard of care and novel therapeutic options
  • Biological pathways which enable identification of up- and downstream disease mechanism modulating therapies, and provide a visual tool for viewing disease processes.

Thomson Reuters representatives note than in spring 2015 the firm will release a new version of the Clinical Genomics Toolkit with improvements to the API to support variant call format (VCF) processing for whole genome sequencing across the integrated content and will introduce pathogenicity analytics. Learn more about the Clinical Genomics Toolkit.

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