Why do labs need to embrace automation, and what should they consider before implementing it? Before the COVID-19 pandemic, staffing shortages already posed significant challenges...
BrAt_PiKaChU iStock / Getty Images Plus Getty Images
This is the story of my life as a lab tech, from a boy leaving the farm, to working in a clinical laboratory. I was born in 1933, so I am now 91 years old. I still remember going...
Introducing the 2024 winners: Jamie Acero, MHA, CPP Manager, Point of Care Testing UPMC Clinical Lab James R. Adams, MSHS, MLS(ASCP) Regional Medical Laboratory...
CreepyCube & Artur Charkin, iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
The results of Medical Laboratory Observer’s 2024 annual survey of laboratory professionals reveal salaries have increased for most individuals surveyed (73%),...