Filling the laboratory workforce gap

Jan. 23, 2025
Organizations partner to develop degree program.

Baptist Health, Norton Healthcare, UofL Health, and Indiana University Southeast have partnered to address the laboratory workforce shortage.

IU Southeast will add a Bachelor of Science in medical laboratory science to their list of programs starting during the fall semester, according to Indiana University.

The program, which was previously offered at Bellarmine University, “will transfer to IU Southeast, along with faculty members and laboratory equipment necessary to teach the program.”

Baptist Health, Norton Healthcare, and UofL Health will help with the transfer by offering “faculty and operational support,” donating equipment, preparing laboratory space on campus, and giving the students experience through internships.

Additionally, “The National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science has approved the transfer of accreditation to IU Southeast, ensuring the program meets national standards. Graduates will be required to pass the American Society for Clinical Pathology national board exam to qualify as medical laboratory scientists.”

Indiana University release

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