MEDICA LABMED FORUM 2024: International experts meet to discuss trending topics in laboratory medicine

Sept. 20, 2024
“Laboratory 4.0,” skilled labor shortage, impetus for major disease complexes and a look into the future.

With its informative short lectures and expert panel discussions, the MEDICA LABMED FORUM has become one of the main attractions of the MEDICA ancillary program in recent years.

With a view to this year’s key topics, Prof. Stefan Holdenrieder of the German Heart Center in Munich (DHM), who is the Scientific Director of the MEDICA LABMED FORUM, points to the trend towards massive digitalization and networking as well as big data applications and artificial intelligence (AI) – “Laboratory 4.0” keyword of the forum.

Day 1: Shortage of skilled personnel and digitalization

On the opening day of MEDICA 2024 (November 11), the MEDICA LABMED FORUM will focus on the topics of digitalization and AI, headed by Prof. Thomas Streichert (MD), University Hospital Cologne. The morning session will be dedicated to the shortage of skilled personnel, which is the most pressing problem for laboratory medicine according to recent surveys.

In the afternoon, the focus will be on AI and big data tools that are already available or still under development. The exciting question of how large language models can help to make abstract laboratory findings more understandable and whether AI really makes us smarter (or possibly less intelligent) will also be discussed.

Day 2: Trends in cardiology and oncology

On the second day of the trade fair, Prof. Stefan Holdenrieder will lead a discussion on current developments in laboratory medicine for the two disease complexes that determine mortality in the Western world, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. This year, the cardiology focus will be on congenital heart defects.

The afternoon program will be dedicated to highly sensitive blood-based cancer diagnostics.

Day 3: Future prospects for laboratory medicine

On the Young Scientists’ Day of the MEDICA LABMED FORUM, the next generation of researchers will present their perspective on the future of laboratory medicine.

In the afternoon, the discussion will focus on personalized therapy based on individual patterns of laboratory parameters, the interdisciplinary interaction of laboratory and imaging in integrated diagnostics and the use of artificial intelligence.

Day 4: Healthy ageing

The final day of the forum traditionally will focus on diagnostic research institutes and companies that want to open the door to new fields of application in laboratory medicine. Both sessions will be led by members of the German Diagnostics Industry Association (VDGH), Dr. Kai Prager and Dr. Peter Quick. Their topic for 2024 will be research on ageing from the perspectives of pathophysiology, diagnostics and treatment. The latest findings on the genetic and epigenetic biological clock, protein misfolding and aggregation as the basis of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and the role of gut microbiota during strokes will be some of the topics discussed.

For the “finale” in the afternoon, interesting theories and practical experiences will be discussed on how the ageing process can be slowed down. Prof. Emrah Düzel of the University of Magdeburg will present various anti-ageing drugs, Prof. Wolfram Ruf of the University of Mainz will describe the effects of anti-inflammatory agents, Prof. Dres. Monique Breteler of DZNE, the German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases, will talk about the influence of the environment on ageing in the central nervous system and Prof. Claire Jacob, also of the University of Mainz, will discuss possibilities to repair lesions in the nervous system.

For details about the MEDICA LABMED FORUM:

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