enrollment exceeds 15 million, surpassing previous years’ milestones

Dec. 26, 2023
Sign up for coverage by the January 16 final deadline.

As of December 15, 2023, for states and December 9, 2023, for State-based Marketplaces, preliminary data projects that over 19 million consumers will enroll in 2024 coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplaces.

This includes 15.3 million individuals who have selected a health plan using the platform. On December 15 alone, the deadline for coverage starting January 1, 2024, more than 745,000 people selected a Marketplace plan through

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) expects nine out of 10 customers to be eligible for savings. People with current coverage through are encouraged to return and shop to see if another plan better meets their needs at a lower cost.

Many people are eligible for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). However, those who are no longer eligible for Medicaid or CHIP should visit to see if they are eligible to enroll in a low-cost, quality health plan today.

Individuals will also benefit from a highly competitive Marketplace. More than 90% of enrollees will be able to choose among three or more plans.

The Marketplace Open Enrollment Period on generally runs from November 1 to January 15. In 2024, January 15 is a federal holiday; accordingly, consumers will have until midnight Tuesday, January 16 (5 a.m. EST on January 17) to enroll in coverage. Consumers who enroll before the January 16 deadline will have coverage that starts February 1, 2024.

HHS release