New funding opportunity to strengthen outbreak response through data, forecasting, and analytics
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched a new Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) through the Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics (CFA) to establish an outbreak response network for disease forecasting to support decision makers during public health emergencies.
The new program will support advanced development of modeling, forecasting tools, and outbreak analytics through three critical operations: innovation, integration, and implementation. Funding recipients will work alongside CFA to establish a national network to support jurisdiction decision makers before and during future public health emergencies. Additionally, the cooperative agreement will fund recipients to plan, prepare, and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks.
The innovation component will support the development of a pipeline of new analytical methods, tools, or platforms for modeling efforts and will ultimately be used to provide information to public health decision makers.
The integration component will take the most promising approaches from the innovation pipeline and pilot test one or two approaches at the state, local, tribal, or territorial level to gauge the success of the technique in practical application by public health decision makers.
The third component, implementation, will take pilot projects that have proven successful and scale them for use across jurisdictions. The goal is to have new, effective analytical tools and approaches to deploy at the local level where critical public health action takes place.
For more information about these funding opportunities, visit CFA’s website before the July 14, 2023, application deadline.