Enhanced liver fibrosis test
Compact solution for BNP
Tosoh’s ST AIA-PACK BNP is a rapid 20-minute assay for assessing heart failure. It utilizes the Shionogi antibody targeted against BNP and pro-BNP, which are the active biomarkers for assessing heart failure and is not influenced by renal function. Measurement range is 4-2000 pg/mL and has a 90-day calibration stability.
Tosoh Bioscience
Proficiency testing
Get started with monkeypox testing
Product portfolio information
Introducing new technology
Rees Scientific’s new 5G Wi-Fi technology will be releasing soon. 5G Wi-Fi offers the same reliability, security and flexibility as the Z3 Wireless System. It’s desigciened to reduce the overall installation process and is great for remote sites. It also works with the full line of Rees Scientific sensors.Rees Scientific
Multiplex LC-MS/MS system
C. diff assay
Platform for workflow improvement
FDA-cleared assay for Mycoplasma genitalium
Expand your STI offering to include M. gen testing. Hologic’s Aptima Mycoplasma genitalium assay is a highly-sensitive, rRNA-based NAAT that can detect characteristically low M. gen bacterial loads with up to 100% sensitivity. Streamline testing with Aptima assay and collection through a one-step, direct-load workflow on the Panther system.Hologic
Sample transport system
Specimen transportation system
Early Lyme disease detection
Blood gas testing system
Werfen’s GEM Premier 5000 analyzer with integrated CO-Oximetry panel for POC and centralized laboratory testing, offers Arterial Blood Gas (ABG), Electrolytes, Glu, Lac, Hct, tHb, O2Hb, COHb, HHb, MetHb, sO2, tBili, from a single whole blood sample. Self-contained GEM PAK cartridges incorporate all components for patient testing and are maintenance-free.Werfen
Critical care analyzer
Reshaping scalable automation
Real-time RT-PCR molecular system
RNA ISH probes
AMPIVIEW RNA probes combine the precision of targeted, sequence-specific RNA probes with the superior sensitivity of Enzo’s patented loopRNA detection technology, thus making AMPIVIEW RNA probes one of the most sensitive means for holistic visualization of nucleic acid targets in tissue and cells, while preserving the morphology of the sample.Enzo Biochem