EKF Diagnostics' Quo-Lab HbA1c analyzer earns IFCC certification

Jan. 23, 2014

EKF Diagnostics has announced that its Quo-Lab HbA1c point of care analyzer has successfully achieved International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) certification. The IFCC maintains the JCTLM (Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine) endorsed reference measurement procedure for HbA1c, accepted worldwide as the analytical control for traceability of HbA1c measurement.

To participate in the program, manufacturers are required to register and report the results of twenty-four samples (two per month) from across the measurement range. The samples are supplied by an IFCC Reference Laboratory.

“The awarding of this certification allows us to report results traceable to the IFCC reference method for quantitative determination of HbA1c,” says Gavin Jones, Diabetes Product Manager for EKF Diagnostics. “Together with the existing NGSP certification we achieved in 2012, the IFCC award demonstrates conclusively that Quo-Lab meets all of the demanding standards set by independent certifying bodies.”

Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) testing is globally recognized as the gold standard in monitoring of diabetic patients, enabling more complete control of their disease management. The Quo-Lab analyzer offers laboratory-accurate results from just 4 µL of blood with a user-friendly interface.


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