CLSI publishes updated standard on newborn screening blood collection on filter paper

Aug. 29, 2013

The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) has released an updated edition of its standard NBS01-A6 (replaces LA04-A5), Blood Collection on Filter Paper for Newborn Screening Programs; Approved Standard—Sixth Edition. Revised for the first time since 2007, the document contains new information and insight for personnel on the essentials of correctly collecting a high-quality specimen, handling the specimen after it has been collected, transporting it to the testing facility, and sorting the residual specimen that remains after laboratory testing.

The primary goal of this standard is to improve and ensure the quality of blood spots collected from newborns to allow for proper newborn screening (NBS). NBS01-A6, which highlights specimen collection and the use of a specimen collection device (card), is intended for use by hospital personnel, midwives, and other healthcare workers who collect specimens for NBS during the first days of a newborn's life.

Highlights of NBS01-A6 include procedures for applying blood that was collected by different techniques in the preprinted circles (targets) on the card, and collection of blood with transfer devices. The standard outlines the analysis of poor-quality and less-than-ideal specimens, addresses interfering substances, and provides recommendations on the sources of blood. It also recommends pain management strategies for newborns during skin puncture and describes minimal and optional information to capture with the collected specimen. View sample pages of NBS01-A6.

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