WHO launches consolidated guidelines for malaria

Feb. 17, 2021

The World Health Organization (WHO) released updated guidelines for malaria, which are now available in an online platform, MAGICapp, according to a news release from the organization.

The guidelines are designed to support malaria-affected countries in their efforts to reduce and, ultimately, eliminate a disease that continues to claim more than 400 000 lives each year, the WHO said.

Through the new platform, MAGICapp, users will find:

·        All official WHO recommendations for malaria prevention (vector control and preventive chemotherapies) and case management (diagnosis and treatment). Recommendations for elimination settings are in development.

·         Links to other resources, such as guidance on the strategic use of information to drive impact; surveillance, monitoring and evaluation; operational manuals, handbooks, and frameworks; and a glossary of key terms and definitions.

·         Evidence that underpins each WHO recommendation through the new web-based platform. There is a feedback tab to help identify recommendations that may need an update or further clarification, and inputs from stakeholders are also welcome by email ([email protected]).

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