Nominate your lab for “Lab of the Year”

Dec. 8, 2014

Medical Laboratory Observer is gearing up to honor three outstanding clinical laboratories. A first-prize winner and two runners-up will be selected and saluted in the April 2015 issue. Online nominations are being accepted through January 26. Any nomination must be original and exclusive to MLO and not have been submitted, either original or edited, to any other publication or online media outlet currently or within the previous year.

What are the “requirements” to be a Lab of the Year nominee? Clinical labs of any size and location are eligible for consideration. Most broadly, you will want to demonstrate your lab’s contributions to quality patient care. Beyond that, consider the categories under which you are asked to describe your lab in the online nominating form: customer service, contributions to patient care, teamwork, productivity, efficiency, quality control, innovations, creativity, and lab inspection scores. Emphasize what is particularly successful about your lab, in terms of engaging with and responding to the needs of your community, contributing to the success of the larger institution, meeting an unaddressed need, making a difference in people’s lives. What makes your lab outstanding, and what makes your lab special?

The MLO team looks forward to reading about some exemplary and inspiring labs—and celebrating in print how three of them are having a positive impact on the profession and on patient care in their communities.

Visit MLO’s dedicated site to nominate your lab