CLSI releases an updated standard on non-gynecological cytology specimens

Dec. 5, 2014

The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) has released an updated document, Nongynecological Cytology Specimens: Preexaminiation, Examination, and Postexamination Processes; Approved GuidelineSecond Edition (GP23-A2). This document provides recommendations for cytology laboratories to use in developing preexamination, examination, and postexamination processes and procedures for nongynecological cytology specimen management.

All specimens sent for non-gynecological cytology evaluation should be collected and prepared using techniques that produce slide preparations that improve patients’ medical care by enhancing diagnostic accuracy in a cost-effective manner. This edition of GP23 outlines the processes for optimizing the pre-examination, examination, and post-examination management of nongynecological specimens to ensure suitable specimens for diagnosis of cancer, infectious diseases, and other inflammatory conditions.

“GP23-A2 includes numerous changes to reflect current technology. We added a large section on quality control practices that any laboratory may easily incorporate to provide a comprehensive quality assurance program,” says MariBeth Gagnon, MS, CT(ASCP)HTL, Chairholder of the Document Development Committee on Nongynecologic Cytologic Specimens, Cytotechnologist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This edition aligns the standard with new technology and best practices that have come about since its last publication in 1999. This standard is intended for use by clinical and laboratory personnel responsible for the collection and processing of nongynecological cytology specimens. Read sample pages.

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