Abbott introduces mView automated performance monitoring service for its m2000 MDx system

Sept. 12, 2014

Abbott has introduced worldwide a new, automated performance monitoring subscription, mView, for its widely used m2000 molecular diagnostics system. mView is designed to automate data analysis and help laboratories reduce the number of manually generated reports. Features of mView include a dashboard for quick reference, several configurable reports, and monthly archived reports that monitor operational efficiencies including calibration frequency, tests over time, run efficiency, and composition. Data are readily available and validated from m2000rt software screens or results logs. Patient information is not accessible via AbbottLink and mView, but Abbott offers middleware solutions that allow access to patient test results.

mView is web-based and will be marketed to existing and new Abbottm2000 customers. Installation of AbbottLink, Abbott’s remote diagnostics agent, provides access to the instrument analytics and is required before access to an mView subscription. mView customers will receive training via WebEx to navigate the website and create reports.

A survey of molecular diagnostics laboratory managers conducted by Abbott shows that they spend 15% of their time collecting data, organizing it, developing graphs, and finally interpreting the information.

“We learned from our customers that automating instrument analytics into configurable reports will reduce the time spent by laboratory management and procurement to organize, analyze and visualize data. Displaying the data into actionable information improves the molecular lab operations and efficiency,” says Maarten van der Linden, marketing director, for Abbott’s molecular diagnostics business in Europe. Deidre Burke, Laboratory Manager at UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory, Dublin, Ireland, says, “We found the software intuitive and easy to use, and it allowed us to generate operational performance reports in a timely manner.” Learn more about mView.

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