Psyche Systems Corporation provides LIS solutions for anatomic pathology and clinical labs

May 18, 2014


Lisa-Jean Clifford, CEO
Psyche Systems Corporation


Chief Executive Officer, Psyche Systems Corporation, since 2008. Prior to that, held executive roles in Marketing, Business Development, Operational Management, and Strategic Planning in both private and public corporations in the high-tech industry.


Austin Peay University, Johnson & Wales University BS, Global Business Management; BS, Marketing


“I am on the board at my children’s school, teach religious education at our church to children in grades K-5, and help organize an annual 5 and 10K race and children’s fun run. Other than my family and career, my greatest love is my thoroughbred, FlyForMoney—lovingly known to us as Sam.”

The company’s primary areas of expertise. Psyche Systems is consistently ranked the number-one stand-alone laboratory information system provider for Anatomic Pathology labs. We provide an end-to-end LIS for all types of labs that is purpose-built to be a single database for both Anatomic Pathology and clinical labs, providing the supporting functionality for all lab specialties that fall within those categories to include molecular and cytogenetics. Psyche also offers leading technology extension modules for robust outreach and connectivity initiatives.

Major categories of solutions that Psyche provides. We provide laboratory information systems and extension modules for labs of all types and sizes. Our products are purpose-built for commercial and private labs of all specialties. Psyche’s LIS is a single LIS for Anatomic Pathology, Clinical, and Molecular labs and can be used in labs that focus on a particular specialty only, such as cytology, histology, dermatopathology, GI, urology, toxicology, and drug testing as well as microbiology. Our extension modules add key functionality to any LIS to support outreach, EMR connectivity, a management dashboard, reference lab hub, document scanning, auto-printing to replace faxing, digital pathology, and QC.

A proven record of providing “firsts.” This is Psyche’s thirty-eighth year in business, and we have always focused on the lab and only the lab. We know this industry and work closely with our customers to build out the functionality in our existing products as well as during the design and development phases of new product development. Psyche was the first company to introduce an LIS for a standard microcomputer operating system, to put touch screens in the lab in a commercial product, to introduce a client-server pathology solution, to bring the graphical user interface to the pathology lab, to deliver a securely hosted LIS, and to offer a microbiology LIS, and we strive to continually evolve to continue our history of innovative firsts.

Addressing changing customer needs due to evolving legal and regulatory requirements and reimbursement models. We stay on top of what is happening in the industry and how it affects our customers through both market research and our customer advisory board. This enables us to be prepared for changing regulations and requirements that will have an impact on our customers and to plan accordingly. 

For Meaningful Use requirements, we as an LIS vendor were not required to be Meaningful Use-certified, and it did not impact our customer base for Phase 1, 2011. However, a percentage of our clients will require some of our product line to be Phase 2, 2014-certified, and we are going through that process now. We were also proactive in addressing some of the reimbursement impacts that went into effect last year by developing an executive dashboard that enables lab managers, owners, and executives to—at a glance—make business-level decisions that will have an immediate impact on their organization by having reports and alerts available that look at the lab from an operational perspective.  

Fostering connectivity through EMR Internet Interface. Psyche has developed the ability to connect all of a lab’s physician office EMRs and practice management systems without the cost and complexity of traditional interfacing methods. This dynamic Internet/cloud-based process exchanges demographic, billing, order, and result data from the clients’ EMR systems with the hospital or lab LIS. Psyche’s intelligent patient matching capabilities can dramatically reduce or eliminate the need for manual or duplicate data entry for both the lab and the physician office. This improves accuracy and turnaround time and reduces errors. Information is exchanged using industry standard formats such as HL7, XML, and pdf. We also offer an EMR Hub that supports the ability to do multiple connections easily and affordably, providing a significant time and cost savings to the lab.

Solutions for anatomic pathology labs and for blood banks. We offer our WindoPath LIS for the AP lab. This is an extremely feature-rich LIS built specifically with the workflow and unique needs of the AP lab in mind. You can use the entire LIS as a whole, or simply pick the modules and specialties that are right for your lab to implement. Either way, it is a single LIS and single database with no additional fees or costs to implement the specialties you need. We also have a 501k FDA-approved blood bank software solution available for smaller and community blood banks which need to be automated.

e.outreach helps labs of any size grow their business. Our outreach solution is a robust application that will support any size outreach initiative at any size laboratory. A lab’s customers have the ability to order a full range of clinical, pathology, and molecular tests with a menu of lab tests and supplies that are customizable by client or physician. With the click of a mouse they have the ability to route orders directly to the appropriate testing location and to receive the reports back—customized and in the manner they prefer. Lab clients can search for specific patient reports, get a status of tests in process, and view all completed reports. In addition to viewing a patient’s current report, they have the ability to view a patient’s full history; they can display that in a graph over time to further enhance the diagnostic value of the results. Our outreach solution also can be used on mobile and hand-held devices.