Myriad presents data from clinical studies of Prolaris prognostic test for prostate cancer

Jan. 2, 2014

Myriad Genetics, Inc., presented data from four clinical studies involving its Prolaris prognostic test at last month’s annual meeting of the Society for Urologic Oncology (SUO). Prolaris is designed to predict cancer-specific disease progression and mortality based on an analysis of 46 cell cycle progression genes. Company spokespersons say the Prolaris score has been shown to be a stronger predictor of prostate cancer recurrence and cancer-specific death than clinical parameters such as Gleason score and PSA.

In addition to compelling data on the clinical utility of Prolaris in changing treatment plans for men with prostate cancer, the company presented data from two new clinical studies on the Prolaris test that further demonstrated the ability of the test to accurately stratify a prostate cancer patient's risk of having an aggressive form of the disease. Myriad asserts that Prolaris has now been validated in 11 clinical studies in approximately 5,000 patients with prostate cancer. A new study in renal cell carcinoma was presented at the SUO meeting, demonstrating that Myriad's cell cycle progression gene panel predicts metastatic progression in patients with this deadly cancer.

“A major challenge for physicians treating men with prostate cancer is knowing whether a prostatectomy or other type of treatment is necessary, or if active surveillance is appropriate,” says Michael Brawer, MD, vice president of Medical Affairs at Myriad Genetic Laboratories. “Our data demonstrate the utility of Prolaris in helping physicians determine the most appropriate and effective treatment for each individual patient based on the aggressiveness of their cancer.” Read summaries of the four studies in a Myriad press release.

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