Agilent introduces IQFISH FFPE buffer and expands catalog of SureFISH break-apart probes

Nov. 22, 2013

Agilent Technologies Inc has introduced the IQFISH FFPE Hybridization buffer, which enables one-hour hybridization for FISH processing on formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples. The IQ technology, originally developed by Dako, was previously available only to anatomic pathology labs. Now, with the IQFISH FFPE Hybridization buffer offered as a standalone product, cytogenetic labs have access to the IQ technology and, with it, faster results.

“The IQFISH FFPE Hybridization buffer will revolutionize FISH processing time on FFPE samples,” says Jacob Thaysen, vice president and general manager for Agilent’s Diagnostics and Genomics business. “By reducing the hybridization processing step from the industry standard of two days to just one hour, our customers can get their results faster and without compromising signal strength.”

Agilent has also introduced SureFISH ALK, ROS1, and RET break-apart translocation probes, expanding its offering of oligonucleotide-based fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) products. Agilent now offers more than 450 FISH probes.

The majority of FISH probes available on the market use bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) technology. According to Agilent representatives, BAC probes target repeat regions, and probe choices are limited by BAC availability. As a result, they assert, these probes often show nonspecific signals, target sequences outside the region of interest, and have suboptimal signal strength. Agilent contrasts BAC probes to Agilent SureFISH probes, which use high-fidelity oligos designed in silico; the probes are repeat-free and able to target specific sequences of interest. Learn more about Dako IQFISH Hybridization buffer and Agilent SureFISH probes.

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