bioTheranostics, Mayo Clinic collaborate to offer a molecular test for metastatic cancer

Nov. 7, 2013

bioTheranostics, a provider of molecular diagnostic solutions for cancer, has announced that Mayo Clinic and Mayo Medical Laboratories will offer the company’s CancerTYPE ID molecular cancer classification test to aid in the management of patients with metastatic cancer. The CancerTYPE ID test will be available to Mayo Clinic physicians and patients as well as to more than 5,000 hospitals around the world served by Mayo Medical Laboratories.

CancerTYPE ID, a molecular cancer classifier, predicts tumor type in patients with metastatic cancers, which affect more than 400,000 patients in the United States each year and are among the most difficult cancers to diagnose and treat. bioTheranostics representatives assert that the CancerTYPE ID test is supported by clinical evidence confirming its diagnostic accuracy, clinical utility in tumor classification, and impact on patient outcomes.

Richard Ding, president and CEO of bioTheranostics, adds, “We are pleased that Mayo Clinic will offer the CancerTYPE ID test to patients and physicians as a proven tool in the management of metastatic cancer. This expands the availability of this advanced diagnostic test and supports our commitment to personalized medicine for metastatic cancer patients—the first step of which is to obtain an accurate diagnosis.” Read an overview of CancerTYPE ID from bioTheranostics.