Abbott announces CE mark for highly sensitive testosterone test

Aug. 30, 2012

Abbott has announced CE Marking (Conformité Européenne) for a testosterone assay with improved sensitivity and clinical utility. With a simple blood test, the ARCHITECT 2nd Generation Testosterone Assay can accurately measure the wide range of testosterone levels seen in a number of different patient populations and clinical settings.

Testosterone assays play an important role in the diagnosis and management of many medical conditions in men, women, and children. However, published studies have shown that many currently available testosterone tests are not sensitive enough to measure low levels of testosterone. This limits the clinical utility of these tests and can result in suboptimal patient care. Testosterone assays play an important role in the diagnosis and management of many medical conditions.

The new assay runs on Abbott’s fully-automated ARCHITECT family of analyzers and is available in several European countries, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Japan, Africa, Middle East, and India, pending country registration. Read assay-specific product information.