Point of Care

March 1, 2012

Lactate point-of care measuring system

StatStrip® Lactate is a handheld, whole blood meter and test strip that brings lactate testing directly to the patient's bedside.
It can be easily operated by medical and nursing staff. The single use, pre-calibrated biosensor provides a 13-second turnaround time, on a whole blood sample as small as 0.7 microliters, with lab-like accuracy. StatStrip Lactate provides a fast turnaround time which is essential for initiating early, goal-directed therapy. StatStrip Lactate is a low-cost device that makes lactate testing practical and affordable in any size ED, ICU, or Medical Unit.

Visit Nova Biomedical

System for rapid detection of Flu A+B

The Veritor™ System for detection of Flu A+B is the first rapid influenza test system that incorporates a digital readout of results to receive a CLIA waiver.
The system provides results on an easy-to-read digital display, unlike current CLIA-waived rapid influenza tests, which require a subjective visual test interpretation to determine a positive or a negative test result. The system's rapid flu immunoassay reports performance measured against polymerase chain reaction (PCR) results. It incorporates BD's Nano Detection Particle and Adaptive Read Technology and offers convenient workflow; few, easy steps requiring little sample preparation; no sample incubation required prior to running the test; a ten-minute period for the test to run; and ten seconds of instrument read for final results.

Visit BD Diagnostics

Bloodless blood testing

The Pronto-7 is a palm-sized new handheld device designed for quick and easy noninvasive spot-checking of hemoglobin (SpHb®), SpO2, pulse rate, and perfusion index at the point-of-care without removing a drop of blood. It uses a small sensor that painlessly clips onto your finger to measure hemoglobin in less than one minute—without needles, time-consuming laboratory analysis, blood contamination, hazardous medical waste, and patient discomfort associated with traditional blood tests. The Pronto-7 measures 13 cm x 7.2 cm x 2.5 cm (5.1″ x 2.8″ x 1″) and weighs 296 grams (10.5 ounces), and has embedded 802.11 b/g and Bluetooth communication capabilities to make wireless printing and emailing test results quick and easy.

Visit Masimo Corp.

Blood analysis system

The epoc® Blood Analysis System provides wireless blood gases, electrolytes and metabolic panel results in about 30 seconds at the patient bedside. It's the cost effective POC testing solution, easily integrating into any critical care setting, and delivering accurate, actionable results to enable timely clinical decisions. It features room temperature test card storage; 9 analytes on 1 test card: pH, pCO2, pO2, Na+, K+, Ca++, Glu, Hct, Lac; calculated values: cHCO3-, cTCO2, BE(ecf), BE(b), cSO2, cHgb; and critical result reporting.

Visit Alere

Portable microhematocrit centrifuge

The HemataSTAT II is a self-contained, portable microhematocrit centrifuge. It features a built-in digital tube reader and tachometer and can hold six samples. Quantitative hematocrit results can be obtained in 60 seconds and instantly displayed on the LCD panel. Messages guide the operator throughout the testing procedure. Because HemataSTAT uses standard 75 mm plastic or plastic-wrapped capillary tubes, the cost per test is just pennies. The CLIA-waived system provides accuracy comparable to the NCCLS reference method. Safety features include an automatic lid lock and gasket seal. Specimen tubes are held in tube holders. In the event of a tube sealant blowout, the operator can discard the tube holder and tube safely. A rechargeable battery is available for easy point-of-care access.

Visit Separation Technology, Inc., part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

Whole blood glucose quality control

The CueSee® Glucose-WB is delivered in an ACU-CAP®, a two compartment packaging form: one compartment contains plasma with glucose, and the other fresh packed red blood cells. Just before use, the two compartments are mixed to obtain a highly commutable, real blood-like sample which can be stored in the provided dropper bottle for multiple analyses. This packaging concept requires no additives or stabilizers that may cause matrix effects on the glucose reading, thereby providing real blood-like results. Available in five clinically relevant levels, this product is ideal for internal QC, linearity and calibration verification, Analytical Measurement Range (AMR) validation, method validations and comparisons, new strip lot validations, competency testing, and proficiency testing.

Visit Eurotrol, Inc.

Aid in the management of bladder cancer

Status BTA is a rapid in vitro immunoassay intended for the qualitative detection of bladder tumor associated antigen (BTA) in human urine. This test is indicated for use as an aid in the management of bladder cancer patients in conjunction with cystoscopy. The Status BTA helps detect early stage recurrent cancer that cytology may miss. This CLIA-waived kit is easy to perform and provides Physician's Office & Laboratories (POLs) and Urologist accurate results in 5 minutes. There are only three basic procedure steps: add 3 drops of urine, start timer, and read the results at 5 minutes. The Status BTA kit is available in two kit sizes, 10 and 25 tests, ideal for any practice size. Status BTA external controls are available.

Visit LifeSign LLC

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