Embracing changes

July 1, 2011


everal years back, this column addressed my dismay at the pedestrian traffic at AACC's exhibit hall; people were walking on “my“side(the “right” side)of the aisles, thus coming face to face with naive old me. Finally, the realization hit me (after glancing at their name badges) that these folks were from other countries where they sure were on their “right” side of the aisle — the left!

The next year, a few of these visitors from abroad had booths, nestled in a lucky circumstance, right next to MLO's. Over the years, an explosion of booths representing international exhibitors have dotted the entire range of the AACC exhibit hall, bringing new tests, equipment, and ideas for labs — and new friends for MLO.

So, with the ever-changing, ever-growing AACC being held in Atlanta at the end of July, it seemed to me that “change” might be something to ponder. Mary Engelbreit, children's book illustrator, once said, “If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.” Now, that is a mouthful of an idea to ponder, but the simplicity of her suggestion is easily understandable — and readily applicable to many situations in daily life.

What do I mean? Just apply the notion to an everyday situation … say, traffic. We do not like traffic, but we cannot change it; but we can change our attitude about it by creating an opportunity for ourselves instead of fuming on the ride to work. Recorded books, for example, could change our whole outlook upon life in the automobile. Over the miles to the office, a car stereo filled with the music of Mozart or Chopin, BB King or Joe Bonamassa, Meatloaf or Lady Gaga, could change our interior scenery (no, not the car … our minds).

Life is filled with changes, and we are constantly adjusting to them. In the short history of the television (and us viewers), we have gone from three networks with morning and evening newscasts with a generous dollop of soap operas and cowboy shows in between, to today's reality TV from the Jersey shore to funny home videos to weight loss struggles. The proliferation of television networks and channels has made it possible for us to view a little of everything-about-nothing, and we have adjusted to those changes with little complaint.

So, as we pack for AACC, knowing that this publication will be in the hands of visitors and exhibitors, we give a “tip o' the hat” to the changes being implemented by NP Communications' president, Kristine Russell, here at MLO's home base:

  • A reader survey being conducted at this writing is designed to glean input so that a variety of new ideas introduced throughout the publication will bring MLO's audience not only a broad range of topics but also a widely diverse group of contributors.
  • MLO's new digital version means that readers who enjoy the convenience of electronic media are welcome to subscribe to both print and digital editions. For our readers in Spain, Portugal, or Latin America, expect translations of select MLO articles at BioLaboratorio in the near future.
  • The ongoing redesign and reconstruction of an improved MLO website offers users its standard “archive” as well as a “search” function.
  • “Breaking News” recently introduced on the MLO website now keeps lab professionals updated on interesting scientific topics, as well as on upcoming seminars, conferences, and other activities and continuing education opportunities.

We invite you to come by our AACC Booth #4107 (use whichever side of the aisle suits you) and meet members of MLO's team. We look forward to talking with you one-on-one about all things “medical laboratory” and the changes you are experiencing in your lab! See you there!

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