The rewards of the journey outweigh the risk of leaving the harbor*

Sept. 1, 2003
In May, our staff headed to Washington, DC, for ASMs 103rd general meeting. In June, we traveled to Salt Lake City for CLMAs 2003 conference and exhibition. July found us at AACC in Philadelphia. Since most of our research, meetings, outreach and other publishing activities occur at our home base in Florida, being quasi road warriors for three months was unusual for us. Unusual, too, was that we are a new
MLO team, made up of old Nelson Publishing employees working together for the first time on the same publication.
Because we all have worked primarily in the communications/IT sector in the past, this years healthcare conferences fascinated us with intricate lab equipment robotics, cross-country microscopy via the Internet and online training modules. We delved into genomics and proteomics with introductions to new product selections. We were editorially inspired by presentations on topics, literally, from A to Z.Taken together, the three shows were almost overwhelming in scope, what with all there was to investigate. Yet, their overall tenor was somehow different than technology shows we had attended in the past. One among us noted this seemed a more mature industry, meaning sophisticated and not prone to issuing an overabundance of hype. These folks, in one way or another, take care of
people. Another said he realized a deepened respect for those individuals who devote their careers to
our health. He referred to these shows as serious, without the baubles and bangles, the glitz and pizzazz, and giveaway prizes and I noted, without booth bunnies.
Since our return, my bad habit of saving newspaper articles to read later is no longer focused on recent discoveries of sunken treasure, Floridas Native American history or details of unique one-day trips around the state. Lately, I have noticed a local blood center which shipped platelets to New York during the huge blackout in August, and the plight of a Florida babysitter who unwittingly gave her infant charge a lethal dose of Benadryl to quiet the babys fussiness (see
MLO Aug. 2003, Forensic pathology: Separating fact from fiction, p. 28). My eye now stops at DNA, RNA, CDC, HHS, PSA, HIV, HCV instead of SALE.
The bottom line in recounting our
MLO travel season is to thank hard-working scientists, lab technicians, vendors, office administrators, executives,
MLO advisory board members and many others for their dedication to making each of these visits well worth our leaving home base.
By the way, Dorothy is off to a big university far away from home to study to be a journalist. I suspect she, too, decided the rewards of that journey will far outweigh the risks of leaving her little harbor.Carren Bersch
[email protected]*Anonymous quotation©
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