Hematology analyzers

Feb. 1, 2003
Compact automated CRP analyzer
The PAROS CRP provides accurate CRP determination on 8L of whole blood without the need to centrifuge samples. This analyzers compact and robust benchtop design features a built-in printer, reagents and a waste tank, and is reliable and easy to operate. It allows screening for inflammatory disease, where this functionality is most needed. The product is suited to screening of large patient populations in specific clinical locations and has a positive influence on the workflow in specialized clinics. The quality of results is comparable to central laboratory CRP analysis, with results made available to the clinician and patient within five minutes, allowing earlier clinical decision making. It has a proven correlation with serum CRP, and results generated on this analyzer have been shown to provide excellent correlation with serum CRP concentrations (r2 = 0.98). CRP results are linear from 0.2 mg/dL to 10 mg/dL on whole blood, and from 0.2 mg/dL to 7 mg/dL on serum samples. PAROS CRP
ABX Diagnostics

Fast, accurate test results
The COULTER LH 750 high-volume hematology system eliminates manual presorting of samples, offering faster and more accurate test results. The system features NRBC enumeration, random-access capabilities, differential flagging efficiency, walkaway calibration and automated workflow management. Its AccuCount cell enumeration technology provides linearity for WBCs and platelets. WBC count linearity extends from zero to 400,000 cells/mL, while interferences from conditions such as NRBCs, unlysed RBCs and platelet clumps have been minimized. Platelet linearity extends from zero to 3 million cells/mL with exceptional accuracy at the clinical decision threshold. These increases in linearity reduce the need to prepare diluted samples and perform manual reflex testing, saving time and allowing for more efficient use of laboratory resources. AccuCount technology also reduces the number of false-positive results, decreasing the need for confirmatory tests. The product can be combined with an integrated slide preparation module to form a single trackless automation workstation called the COULTER LH 755 hematology workcell.Coulter LH 750
Beckman Coulter Inc.

Maintenance-free diagnostic system
The BD QBC Autoread Plus Centrifugal Hematology System greatly increases ease of use and offers a dry reagent system. It eliminates costly startup, shut down and calibration. The system is virtually maintenance free because it uses dry hematology reagents that eliminate bulky liquid diluents and liquid biohazard waste. It provides a cost-effective method for physicians to perform in-office testing, enabling a speedier diagnosis with the added advantage of laboratory diagnostic information. A simple testing procedure makes CBC testing accessible for the entire staff in any point-of-care environment, and utilizes the QBC AccuTube, which can be used for both venous and fingerstick samples. The tube delivers nine quantitative parameters, including hematocrit, hemoglobin, white blood count, granulocyte count (percentage and number), lymphocyte/monocyte (percentage and number), platelet count and MCHC. QBC Autoread+ Centrifugal Hematology System
Becton Dickinson Co.

POC testing
The CLIA 88-waived B-Hemoglobin Analyzer offers a quick, simple and reliable quantitative blood hemoglobin test with the performance of large hematology analyzers. The dual wavelength photometer corrects the hemoglobin value for lipemia and leukocytosis. The hemoglobin test system is used by office labs, hospitals, blood banks, dialysis centers, public health agencies, and the CDC and WHO for public health anemia-screening programs. Any blood source (capillary, venous or arterial) can be used. Results can be obtained in less than a minute. For a fast and convenient quantitative determination of low levels of hemoglobin in plasma and serum samples, aqueous solutions, or in stored or banked erythrocytes, there is the Plasma/Low Hemoglobin Analyzer. This system demonstrates an excellent linearity from 0.03 g/dL to 3.0 g/dL and also provides the result within one minute. B-Hemoglobin Analyzer
HemoCue Inc.

Cost efficiency with flexibility
The Sysmex X-Series of hematology analyzers, which includes the automated Sysmex XE-2100 and the XT-2000i, offers the perfect solution for laboratories within an integrated health network to increase cost efficiency through standardization of processes, reagents and results. Both analyzers utilize the same powerful fluorescent flow technology for rapid, highly reliable test results that are essential for timely delivery of actionable patient results. Both analyzers provide accurate and precise CBC results, including a fully automated WBC five-part differential, reticulocyte count and fluorescent optical platelet count. The high-throughput XE-2100 is ideal for core facilities and large hospitals; the XT-2000i is designed for satellite facilities. The use of common reagents and controls allows for simplified materials management. The data management systems utilize Windows-based software for increased user-friendliness and flexibility.Sysmex XE210 and XT-200i
Roche Diagnostics 
for Sysmex Corp. of America

Meet the ADVIA portfolio

The ADVIA 120 Hematology System provides a CBC, six-part differential and fully automated reticulocyte analysis, designed to streamline laboratory workflow and achieve long-term economic benefits. The fixed throughput of CBC/Diff at 120 samples per hour, even on leukopenic samples, provides fast results reporting to enhance service to clinicians. Peroxidase staining makes the difference in WBC identification, facilitating detection of abnormalities and differentiation of leukemias. Achieve sensitive detection of red cell abnormalities without expensive and time-consuming manual tests, and differentiate microcytic anemias (thalassemia, iron deficiency) and macrocytic anemias (hereditary spherocytosis, sickle cell) with the RBC and reticulocyte technology. Expanded linearity ranges enable maximimum effectiveness of costly platelet transfusions with accurate results, even at very low platelet levels. To complement the ADVIA 120, this hematology product portfolio includes the ADVIA 70, ADVIA S60 and ADVIA 60 to meet specific laboratory needs.Advia 120
Bayer Diagnostics

Triple treat

The CELL-DYN 4000, from Abbott Diagnostics, Abbott Park, IL, is a 25-parameter, high-volume analyzer that is capable of producing 110 CBCs per hour on less than 120 L of sample. This Pentium-driven system has on-board system monitoring and data review. The automated system uses the power of three independent measurement technologies on a single platform. Fluorescent detection allows for fully automated, random access reticulocyte testing on any routine CBC without operator intervention. The system combines two-dimensional optical platelet analysis.Cell-Dyn 4000
Abbott Diagnostics

Carren Bersch is managing editor of MLO.
J.D. Myers, BS, CT(ASCP), MAS, a laboratory scientist and sales professional in Clearwater, FL, assisted in preparing this article.
January 2003: Vol. 35, No. 1
© 2003 Nelson Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

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