
June 1, 2002

June is an important month for Medical Laboratory Observer, a landmark weve been working toward since last August. In this first month of summer, youll see the fruit of our labor in the new CLR and in the panel discussion were helping to sponsor at CLMA.

Our Clinical Laboratory Reference (CLR), the clinical lab industry’s yellow pages, is published once a year in conjunction with MLO. It last came out in August 2000, but this year we wanted it to be in your hands before the big CLMA convention later this month in New Orleans. So here it is, with your MLO, ready to help you find the sources you need for the tests, equipment, or services you are looking for.

In this issue, youll find the sixth installment in our In the eyes of the experts: Lab 2007 series. We are proud to offer the views of Ms. Catherine Burzik, president of Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, who answers Anne Pontius questions about the future of the medical laboratory industry.

Cathy Burzik will participate in our panel discussion at the CLMA show, which is being co-sponsored by MLO and CLMA. Other participants include Beckman Coulters vice president of strategic marketing, Michael Whelan; Quest Diagnostics vice president of sales and marketing, Douglas Berg; Abbott Diagnostics vice president of marketing and sales, Mark Smith; Roche Laboratory Systems senior vice president and general manager, Dick Aderman; and BD Biosciences Immunocytometry Divisions general manager, Rudy Mareel. Each of these executives, or one of their colleagues at their company, has been part of our Lab 2007 series this year. The panel discussion will be facilitated by Anne Pontius, who has conducted our print interviews. We are very pleased to have Robert M. Kisabeth, M.D., chair of Mayo Medical Laboratories, as the panels moderator.

The panel discussion is scheduled for Breakout Session I on Thursday, June 27, from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. For more information, visit www.clma.org/annconf/index.cfm?page=exectrack.html.

We think youll find your June MLO full of interesting reading. Our cover story, Controversies and guidelines in tissue-based HER-2/neu testing, deals with an important and intriguing topic. The authors, Hadi Yaziji, M.D., and Allen M. Gown, M.D., both of PhenoPath Laboratories in Seattle, discuss the technologies currently available for HER-2/neu testing in breast cancer and address some of the sources of testing errors.

MLO is pleased to offer you another article by Alan Wu, Ph.D. of Hartford Hospital in Connecticut, a recognized expert in the field of cardiac markers. We first brought him to our magazine last fall with his article, B-type natriuretic peptide and its clinical utility in patients with heart failure. This month, he discusses using cardiac markers in cost-effective triage for MI admission and therapy.

I hope Ill get a chance to meet many of you at the CLMA show in New Orleans. Come by Booth #413 and say hello.

Best regards,
Celia Stevens
[email protected]

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