
Feb. 1, 2002
Were excited about our February issue. We think you will be, too, as you start turning its pages. Youll find substance, not fluff. Our features are meaty, and the issues our departments deal with are important to your
working life in the lab. 
Our cover story, Prenatal screening tests facilitate risk assessment by Northern Illinois University faculty members Sharon M. Miller and Jeanne Isabel, explains some of the current technologies available to provide accurate assessment of risk for birth defects. Types of screening covered include maternal serum alpha fetoprotein
(AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), unconjugated estriol (uE3), acetylcholinesterase
(AchE), dimeric inhibin A (DIA), and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A
(PAPP-A). Larry Cole, PhD, professor of Obstetrics-Gynecology and Biochemistry at the University of New Mexico and affiliated professor of Yale University, an expert on prenatal testing, was one of the reviewers whose opinion we sought about this carefully researched article. In his review, Dr. Cole said, I found this to be an outstanding review. It was written very well and clearly and very thoroughly covers the subject without any bias.
Our series of interviews with top executives in the clinical lab industry continues this month with Anne Pontius interview with Ken Freeman, chairman and CEO of Quest Diagnostics. Youll want to be sure to read his birds-eye view of the exciting things in store for the medical laboratory in the next few years. Plan to attend the panel discussion MLO is co-sponsoring with CLMA in New Orleans in June, in which Ken Freeman of Quest, Albert Ziegler of Beckman Coulter, and other top executives will discuss what they see coming for our industry.Dont forget to take a close look at laboratory information systems with Suzanne Noble in the second installment in our Product Roundup series. Do you know someone who has made an important contribution to the medical laboratory, on a large or a small scale? Someone who has made a difference in the way things are done, or in improving patient outcomes? Take the time to nominate them for Outstanding
Laboratorian. The top three winners will be announced in our April issue. Deadline for nominations is Feb. 28. You may nominate them by submitting the form youll find on page 40, or electronically from our website at
Thanks to those of you who have taken the time to call or write and let us know what you think of our magazine. We love hearing from you, and your input helps us stay on the right track with our editorial content. Drop me an e-mail
and let me know your thoughts about this months issue (how do you like the cover?), and topics youd like to see us write about down the road.
Thanks for reading
Celia Stevens
[email protected]
2002 Nelson Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

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