COVID-19 vaccinations shift to regular immunization as COVAX draws to a close

Dec. 20, 2023
COVAX will close December 31, 2023 having delivered nearly 2 billion doses of vaccines to 146 economies and averted an estimated 2.7 million deaths in AMC lower-income participating economies.

COVAX, the multilateral mechanism for equitable global access to COVID-19 vaccines launched in 2020, will draw to a close on December 31.

Jointly led by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO), COVAX has so far supplied nearly 2 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses and safe injection devices to 146 economies. Its efforts are estimated to have helped avert the deaths of at least 2.7 million people in the COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC) low- and lower middle-income participating economies (lower-income economies) that received free doses through the mechanism, alongside nearly US$ 2 billion in critical support to turn vaccines into vaccinations.

These 92 lower-income economies that were eligible to participate in the program with support from the financing mechanism known as the Gavi COVAX Advance Market Commitment (COVAX AMC) will continue to have the option to receive COVID-19 vaccine doses and delivery support through Gavi’s regular programs. So far, 58 lower-income economies have requested a total of 83 million doses in 2024, with plans to focus on the continued protection of priority groups, including healthcare workers, community workers and older adults. 

WHO release