Nearly half of patients have functional decline after COVID-19 hospitalization

June 2, 2021

Over a year after the novel coronavirus cemented its grip on the world, much of the conversation surrounding the disease remains simple: how many people died and how many survived? But researchers at Michigan Medicine say a devastating side effect lurks, underreported, between those extremes – the loss of ability caused by the virus.

In a study published in the journal PM&R, investigators found that 45% of patients hospitalized for COVID-19 experienced significant functional decline after being discharged, according to a news release from Michigan Medicine.

“Rehabilitation needs were really, really common for these patients,” says Alecia K. Daunter, MD, Pediatric Physiatrist at Michigan Medicine. “They survived, but these people left the hospital in worse physical condition than they started. If they needed outpatient therapy or are now walking with a cane, something happened that impacted their discharge plan.”

The team of researchers reviewed charts of nearly 300 adult patients hospitalized for COVID-19 at Michigan Medicine during the pandemic’s first wave between March and April 2020. They analyzed patients’ discharge locations, therapy needs at the time of release and if they needed durable medical equipment or other services.

Of survivors who experienced functional decline, 80% were referred for additional therapy after being discharged. Nearly 20% of all patients lost so much ability, they were not able to live independently after their release.

The study period occurred in the pandemic’s infancy, as healthcare providers sought best practices to minimize exposures and manage patient overflow. As a result, 40% of patients never had a rehabilitation evaluation while hospitalized.

The “first wave” study is a snapshot look at acute therapy needs during a time when knowledge of the unique virus was even more limited. The team hopes for additional research examining the long-term effects COVID has on functionality.

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