CDC awards new funds to stop drug overdoses, deaths

Sept. 5, 2019

As the drug overdose crisis evolves and becomes more complex, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is providing $301 million in new Overdose Data to Action funds to states and jurisdictions.

Funded programs will yield information crucial to a better understanding of why, and among whom, overdoses and deaths are taking place. CDC and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will rapidly use that information to enhance prevention and response efforts across the country.

The CDC and HHS efforts are part of an all-of-government effort to end America’s complex and evolving overdose epidemic. While this epidemic is far from over, there are encouraging signs of progress.

The funds, which will support the work of 47 states, Washington D.C, two territories, and 16 counties and cities, are part of the Department of Health and Human Services’ five-point strategy to help combat the opioid overdose epidemic resulting from America’s drug crisis. Over three years, recipients will gather and rapidly report data that includes the substances, circumstances, and locations leading to overdoses and deaths, as well as demographic data such as age, race, and gender.

In addition, recipients of these new funds will work to strengthen prescription drug monitoring programs, improve state-local integration, establish links to care, and better support health care providers and health systems.

CDC supports prevention of drug and opioid specific overdose by:

  • Using data to monitor emerging trends and direct prevention activities.
  • Strengthening state and local capacity to respond to the epidemic.
  • Working with providers, health systems, and payers to reduce unsafe exposure to opioids and treat addiction.
  • Coordinating with public safety and community-based partners to rapidly identify overdose threats, reverse overdoses, link people to effective treatment, and reduce harms associated with illicit opioids.
  • Increasing public awareness about the risks of opioids.

To learn more about Overdose Data to Action:

To learn more about opioid overdose:

Visit CDC for the release

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