Bio-Rad to spotlight QC-themed workshop, product displays and demos at AACC 2023

July 3, 2023
AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo.

Bio-Rad Laboratories is set to showcase its comprehensive range of quality control-related offerings at the upcoming American Association of Clinical Chemistry Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo (AACC) in Anaheim on July 23-27.

One of the highlighted events during the conference will be Bio-Rad's industry workshop titled "A New Era in Laboratory Quality – Managing Molecular QC Data." Taking place on Wednesday, July 26th from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM at the Hilton Anaheim, California Ballroom, this workshop aims to provide attendees with valuable insights, including:

  • Discussion on molecular QC data management workflow improvements post-Unity implementation. 
  • Description of the value of Unity in evaluating the performance of viral load assays. 
  • Identification of three essential functions of Unity for QC data management.

Lab professionals attending the workshop will have the opportunity to earn P.A.C.E. credits. The workshop will be moderated by Bio-Rad's Nico VandePoele, with panel participation from esteemed experts Heba Mostafa, MD, PhD, D(ABMM), Director of Molecular Virology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and Duane W. Newton, PhD, D(ABMM), FIDSA, Founder of DWN Consulting. 

Also, at booth #3239 on the exhibition floor, Bio-Rad's display will feature a variety of demonstrations and showcases. Attendees can explore and learn about Bio-Rad's leading QC products, including the new Cardiac Advance product, Exact Diagnostics branded infectious disease molecular quality controls & panels, the family of InteliQ load-and-go controls, and Unity Next Peer QC data management solutions. 

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