MLO Forum on COVID-19 now available on demand

March 26, 2021

Medical Laboratory Observer (MLO) hosted a virtual forum on March 25 covering COVID-19 and the Lab: Testing, Supplies, and Management.  Those educational forum sessions are now available to download on demand to watch at your leisure. 

The latest updates on COVID-19 variants, sessions with fellow lab professionals detailing the best practices that got them through the pandemic, tips on ordering supplies, the latest in testing, lab automation, and tips to keep the lab running smoothly are featured during the presentations.

In cased you missed the live broadcast, where guests could interact live with presenters via chat rooms, the informative and educational sessions can still be reviewed.  The sessions include informative topics from ELLKAY, Baebies, Nova Biomedical, Seegene, Xifin, Qiagen, and Thermo Fisher Scientific.

MLO Intro: COVID-19 and the Lab - Testing, Supplies & Management

Survival in the times of COVID-19

Ct values and syndromic testing: two emerging novelties in the management of COVID-19

Rapid RT-PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2 through the use of Digital Microfluidics

Preparing for Market Disruption - Operational Lessons Learned from COVID-19

Electrolyte Abnormalities in COVID-19 Critical Illness 

SARS-CoV-2 response: From magnetic beads to saliva collection

Time to go back to school and work? Automate COVID-19 surveillance and pooled testing.

Visit the forum for more news