COLA completes key assessment for ISO certification

April 12, 2019

COLA, a nationally recognized private, non-profit laboratory accreditation organization and the only laboratory accreditation provider that operates its accreditation program in accordance with a quality management system certified to ISO 9001, has completed a key assessment in its ongoing endeavor in seeking the highest level of quality.

COLA initially received its ISO certification in April 2011 from British Standards Institute (BSI). The ISO Certificate is good for three years, after that time the company must complete a full-scale audit of its quality management system. Throughout the three-year certification period, the company undergoes semi-annual continuing assessment visits.  BSI recently completed a continuing assessment visit of COLA. These visits ensure the quality management system remains active.

“Because we are not up for recertification until 2020, these visits demonstrate the high quality COLA strives for and what our customers expect. COLA’s commitment to ISO certification shows the continuous approach to quality assessment we expect of the labs we serve,” said Nancy Stratton Chief Executive Officer of COLA. “Just as laboratories need to stay up to date with changing regulatory and accreditation requirements, we need to ensure our quality management system continues to evolve to meet the latest ISO standards.”

COLA’s ISO 9001 covers the delivery and administration of the CLIA-equivalent accreditation program for medical laboratories, including on-site surveys, monitoring proficiency testing, and correcting citations through education and consultation.

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