Gestalt announces AI for mitotic counting

Sept. 21, 2023
Algorithm for use on eight types of cancer trained on seven scanner models.

Gestalt Diagnostics announced their latest release – an AI algorithm for use on one of the broadest trained environments for commercial or research use. The Mitotic Counting algorithm was trained on over 100,000 individual mitosis and across seven scanner models. The algorithm boasts an F1-Score of 0.74, which is tantamount to the best state-of-the-art methods.

This algorithm is now available in the Gestalt AI Studio and for use on - Cutaneous mast cell tumor, breast cancer, lymphoma, lung cancer, melanoma, neuroendocrine, colon cancer, and bladder carcinoma. It has been trained on various models of Hamamatsu, Leica, 3D Histech and Aperio scanners.

Gestalt release