Drug-eluting stent use in peripheral artery disease shows promising results

May 2, 2013

Researchers report in the Journal of Endovascular Therapy that the use of stents which not only open a clogged artery but also provide targeted release of a drug is demonstrating favorable results. There is controversy over whether the drug-eluting stent or the bare metal stent has superior clinical benefit. Numerous studies, however, are indicating successful trials of procedures using the drug-eluting stent to keep vessels in the leg open.

The authors compare the use of bare metal stents with drug-eluting stents in the treatment of infrapopliteal occlusive disease. The article is a meta-analysis of the results of six studies—four randomized trials and two observational studies—that included 544 patients.

The drug-eluting stent releases drugs to the vessel wall to prevent inflammation and proliferation of cells, thus improving treatment outcomes. At the one-year point, the results of these studies are promising, the researchers report. Patency of the vessel to allow free flow of blood and clinical improvement has increased, and revascularization of the target lesion due to reclosure is low.

What the studies included in the meta-analysis are not able to tell us at this point is whether longer-term effects will be as encouraging. Parameters such as saving of limbs and healing of wounds have yet to be assessed. The authors also acknowledge that “the quality of both the randomized clinical trials and the observational studies varies significantly, with two of the trials failing to adhere to the main principles required to achieve high methodological quality scores.” Read the article.

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