AP-Visions creates and produces healthcare-centric software products

Dec. 19, 2012

Healthcare-centric software is the company’s primary area of expertise. AP-Visions specializes in the creation and production of healthcare-centric software products based upon more than 25 years experience in the healthcare information technology industry.

AP-URO, AP-DERMA, and AP-GI provide anatomic pathology solutions. Anatomic pathology solutions are among many software solutions that AP-Visions has created to serve the Physician Office Practice market. All of our products are designed to be cost-effective solutions that are easily deployed, configured, and operated by the end user. Our focus is on connectivity (EMR, Practice Management, etc.) modules that facilitate AP-Visions’ products. Connecting with or serving as a “bridge” is the key to their design.

Products evolve to meet the ever-changing demand. We pay attention to our customers and their needs, keep abreast of changes in the healthcare IT arena, and design our products using industry standard software tools to facilitate rapidly changing demands. Product solutions can no longer be designed to simply solve a single, unique issue. They must be designed to take into consideration all facets of the target market even if they do not directly provide a solution to some specific area.

For example, while designing AP-URO, specifically for the urology practice, the issue to resolve was how to provide a cost-effective solution for Physician Office Practices that wish to improve patient care and responsiveness. Given the appropriate expertise and tools, this was not a difficult task to accomplish; however; without considering ancillary and related facets like interfacing to EMR, interfacing to billing system, regulatory requirements, and so on, the solution would not completely provide the assets the customer needs. The knowledge base and expertise of AP-Visions’ staff of designers encompasses not just the specific, unique issue that needed to be solved but being aware of and designing in the necessary features and functionality needed to address the ancillary facets related to the core product.

We are a young company with a corporate philosophy and structure much different than the industry has seen in the past. A young company has assets not typically found in more mature companies. For one, young and small means more nimble—being able to respond to the “ever changing field” rapidly and efficiently. Second, AP-Visions’ philosophy and corporate structure minimize costs, which in turn passes along more cost-effective solutions to its customers.

Anatomic pathology labs search for ways to provide better service and increase profits. The main issue today, for this target market, is “How do I bring anatomic pathology ‘in-house,’ better serve my patients, and continue as a profitable business?” Anatomic pathology for the Physician’s Office Lab is a fairly new phenomenon. Reminiscent of how it was 30 years ago in the clinical lab testing business, the field is dominated by a few national and local pathology labs which provide the service and collect all of the revenue. By bringing down the overall costs of providing anatomic pathology in the physician’s office, AP-Visions gives the POL the opportunity to better serve its patients’ needs and to help offset lost revenue from other areas of cutback.

Regulatory compliance is an increasingly important issue for laboratorians. Beyond the normal “building in” of functionality to aid in regulatory compliance, AP-Visions’ philosophy is to bring to bear regulatory experts to assist the practice in concert with our software.

Experience provides the wisdom to avoid making the same mistake twice. During my years of tenure at both small and large healthcare companies as well as my years as CEO of Fletcher-Flora Healthcare, the most important thing I learned was what not to do. I shall not repeat the errors of the past! This, of course, will not prevent me from making new errors, but I will learn from them as well and not repeat them either.

The major lesson I learned is that all businesses are dependent upon their customers. Give your customers what they want at a price they can afford, and you will be successful.

Better healthcare leads to the betterment of society. AP-Visions is a young enterprise at this point. Our software products are designed to improve patient care. They allow healthcare professionals to provide better care while maintaining their own profitability. This essentially is a betterment to society at large. Ideally, growing AP-Visions into a strong, profitable enterprise will allow us to “give back” in many as yet unknown ways.