Thinking back
through the last 12 months, I am reminded of scores of friendly people
who have played a part in the life of MLO. We receive e-mail
letters from readers with concerns as well as compliments. We open
feedback e-mail from lab professionals looking for solutions to peculiar
problems, which our board members often answer on the spot. We hear from
students in CLS programs looking for information. This year, we had a
request from a gentleman in Spain to translate MLO articles into
Spanish and Portuguese for his website's Spanish, Brazilian, and Mexican
readers. We have worked with lab experts and medical doctors to produce
the content of this publication and our e-newsletter, LABline.
Our managing editor, Denise DiRamio, interviews
executives from medical lab professional organizations, as well as from the
large corporate complex that serves the medical lab marketplace. She
coordinates with editorial advisory board columnists and educators from
medical professions who answer scientific and management questions. She
juggles hundreds of vendors' product announcements. And she collects news
items, calendar events, and much more from media agents, government
officials, and news outlets to produce “The Observatory” and LABline.
Lora Harrell and Carol Vovcsko, MLO's energetic
account executives, keep the phone lines buzzing with their calls to
interested advertisers and sponsors. Their individual travels around the USA
bring them into contact with prospective candidates for our annual
Clinical Laboratory Reference (CLR). Their appearances at annual
trade shows reunite them with longtime supporters of MLO and CLR,
and add new friends to our list.
Our staff is in constant contact with people around the
world who each play a role in bringing together what results in two monthly
publications — print and electronic — MLO and LABline. Because
of every person outside our four walls who engages with us, both
publications succeed. And without the support of every employee
inside our four walls at Nelson Publishing, we would be
hard-pressed to perform to the level it takes to bring you each issue of
MLO. We also express our gratitude to MLO's editorial
consultants and peer reviewers, who give generously of their time.
And, dear readers, without you, we would have had no reason in 2009
to be celebrating MLO's 40th year of publication for the medical
laboratory community. We wish you and yours the happiest of celebrations
this season, and we look forward to continuing our long-standing
relationship with each one of you in 2010.