BioIVT to discuss its role in liquid biopsy research at the AACC Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo

July 24, 2023
BioIVT’s standardized collection protocols and diverse donor base help facilitate molecular biomarker validation and ensure their clinical utility.

BioIVT announced that it will highlight the role it is playing in liquid biopsy research at the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo. This conference will be held from July 23-27 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA.

“Liquid biopsy research can revolutionize the way we detect, diagnose, and treat diseases. However, several issues need to be resolved before it can reach its full potential. They include adopting standardized collection protocols to reduce analytical variability and lower the risk of failure. The utility of each new molecular biomarker must also be evaluated in a wide range of disease state and control donors of different races and ethnicities to enhance the generalizability and effectiveness of liquid biopsy across different patient groups,” said Dr. Courtney Noah, Vice President of Scientific Affairs at BioIVT.

Dr. Noah will discuss these challenges, together with industry initiatives to create universal standards for liquid bio-banking, during her presentation entitled “Unlocking the Future of Liquid Biopsy Research.” This session will begin at 10:30 a.m. on July 25 in Exhibit Hall Theater 2.

BioIVT release