Diane Kawa 8016 653a700498489

Uncomplicating the Diagnosis of Vaginitis

Oct. 26, 2023
Dr. Diane Kawa from the Cepheid Medical Affairs team will discuss the Xpert® Xpress MVP test that uses clinician-collected and self-collected vaginal swabs (collected in a clinical setting) from patients who are symptomatic for vaginitis/vaginosis.

Learn how a single test can detect organisms associated with BV, VVC, and TV.  Discover how this test uses clinician-and self-collected (clinical setting) vaginal swab specimens, review different methods with a clinical study, and learn about diverse mixed infections detections from a single specimen. Learn how this test, combined with clinical presentation, can potentially improve accurate and fast initial diagnosis of vulvovaginitis, guide appropriate and timely treatment, and reduce number of return visits to the clinic and costs.

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