The molecular diagnostics (MDx) market is estimated to be worth $16.6 billion in 2023, and expected to reach $28.6 billion by 2028, as “Rapid progress in technologies such as next-generation sequencing, gene editing, and personalized medicine will drive increased adoption of molecular diagnostic tests.”1
To reflect the broadening availability and use of MDx testing, and a shifting focus from COVID-19 testing to other applications, the 2023 Medical Laboratory Observer (MLO) State of the Industry (SOI) survey on molecular diagnostics (MDx) featured some new questions and expanded response categories designed to identify emerging trends.
As in past years, the survey queried lab professionals on MDx testing volumes and quality assurance practices. We also retained questions related to supply chain challenges and excess analyzer capacity to gauge whether there were shifts in these areas since our last survey on this topic in fall 2022.
Nearly 100 lab professionals participated in the survey, with the majority (70%) of respondents in Lab Manager, Administrator, Supervisor, or Lab Director positions. This year, we added additional response categories to the place of employment question. While most respondents work in hospital/health system labs (59%), one-third are employed by physician lab offices (17%) or reference labs (13%).
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