New and revised requirements to reduce healthcare disparities

Aug. 25, 2022
Update from the Joint Commission.

Effective January 1, 2023, new and revised requirements to reduce healthcare disparities will apply to Joint Commission–accredited ambulatory healthcare organizations, behavioral health and human services organizations, critical access hospitals, and hospitals.

A new standard in the Leadership (LD) chapter with 6 new elements of performance (EPs) has been developed to address healthcare disparities as a quality and safety priority. Standard LD.04.03.08 will apply to the following Joint Commission–accredited organizations:

  • All critical access hospitals and hospitals
  • Ambulatory healthcare organizations providing primary care within the “Medical Centers” service in the ambulatory healthcare program (the requirements are not applicable to organizations providing episodic care, dental services, or surgical services)
  • Behavioral healthcare and human services organizations providing “Addictions Services,” “Eating Disorders Treatment,” “Intellectual Disabilities/Developmental Delays,” “Mental Health Services,” and “Primary Physical Health Care” services.

The Record of Care, Treatment, and Services (RC) requirement to collect patient race and ethnicity information has been revised and will apply to the following Joint Commission–accredited programs:

  • Ambulatory healthcare (Standard RC.02.01.01, EP 31)
  • Behavioral healthcare and human services (Standard RC.02.01.01, EP 26)
  • Critical access hospital (Standard RC.02.01.01, EP 25)

The Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual (RI) requirement prohibiting discrimination (Standard RI.01.01.01, EP 29) will apply to all Joint Commission–accredited ambulatory healthcare organizations and behavioral healthcare and human services organizations.

The Joint Commission release

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