CMS releases 2022 proposed rule

April 29, 2021

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed rule for inpatient and long-term care hospitals that, among other provisions, would require hospitals to report measures, such as tests, related to COVID-19.

CMS proposes the adoption of a measure that would require hospitals to report on COVID-19 vaccination coverage among their personnel. “This proposed measure is designed to assess whether hospitals are taking steps to limit the spread of COVID-19 among their workforce, reduce the risk of transmission within their facilities, help sustain the ability of hospitals to continue serving their communities through the public health emergency, and assess the nation’s long-term recovery and readiness efforts,” CMS said.

In addition, CMS proposes modifying the Promoting Interoperability program requirements for eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals to expand reporting. The proposal would require hospitals to report on the following measures: syndromic surveillance reporting, immunization registry reporting, electronic case reporting, electronic reportable laboratory re-immunization registry reporting, electronic case reporting, and electronic reportable laboratory result reporting.

“Requiring these measures would enable nationwide syndromic surveillance for early warning of emerging outbreaks and threats; automated case and laboratory reporting for rapid public health response; and local and national visibility on immunization uptake so public health can tailor vaccine distribution strategies,” CMS said.

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