CDC issues guidance for people vaccinated against COVID-19

March 9, 2021

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released guidelines, saying fully vaccinated people can visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing.

Fully vaccinated people also can:

·        Visit with unvaccinated people from a single household who are at low risk for severe COVID-19 disease indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing

·         Refrain from quarantine and testing following a known exposure to COVID-19 if they remain asymptomatic

However, the agency also said that fully vaccinated people should continue standard precautions, such wearing a mask and practicing physical distancing when in public, visiting unvaccinated people who are at increased risk for severe COVID-19, or visiting unvaccinated people from multiple households.

They also should avoid medium- and large-sized in-person gatherings and follow travel requirements from the CDC and health departments.

The CDC also said the guidelines would be “updated and expanded based on the level of community spread of SARS-CoV-2, the proportion of the population that is fully vaccinated, and the rapidly evolving science on COVID-19 vaccines.”

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