WHO introduces the Health Technology Access Pool

Feb. 2, 2024
Update from WHO.

The World Health Organization (WHO) announces the Health Technology Access Pool (HTAP) as the successor to the COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP).

C-TAP was launched in May 2020 by WHO, the Government of Costa Rica and other partners to facilitate equitable and affordable access to COVID-19 health products for people in all countries.

HTAP builds on the foundation laid by C-TAP while incorporating structural, process and other changes that will enable it to attract and support a diverse range of priority technologies more effectively.  

HTAP will promote access to health products that respond to public health priorities including pandemic preparedness and with relevance during and outside health emergencies. This approach will amplify the public health value of HTAP investments as well as the attractiveness of licensed technologies to recipient manufacturers by realizing greater market opportunities and financial sustainability. The announcement on the licensing of a rapid diagnostic test platform technology serves as an example of such an approach.

Later in the first quarter of 2024, WHO will publish further details on how HTAP will operate and the technologies it will target.  

The official launch of HTAP is planned for the second quarter of 2024.  In the interim, WHO will adopt the principles and approach described above in evaluating opportunities to secure health technologies and expand regional or global production capacity.

WHO release