Greiner Bio-One presented its products in the field of cervical cancer at the just-completed EUROGIN 2013 conference in Florence, Italy. At the international congress on HPV (human papilloma virus) and cervical cancer, Greiner Bio-One featured its CheckExtractor for automated DNA extraction and preparation of the PCR setup and presented on the latest clinical study on the PapilloCheck HPV test.
Company representatives characterized the new CheckExtractor as “a crucial step toward a fully automated HPV detection.” The device replaces the manual process of extracting DNA from patient samples and preparing the PCR setup for subsequent analysis, using PapilloCheck and PapilloCheck high-risk. This, Greiner spokespersons say, can make it possible to process far more samples with consistently high quality.
According to Ron Opstelten, PhD, Director, Sales & Marketing, for the Diagnostics Business Unit of Greiner Bio-One GmbH, “The introduction of the CheckExtractor for automatic DNA purification marks the successful completion of the first phase of the work Greiner Bio-One is doing to fully automate the oCheck microarray applications. Together with the CheckProcessor now under development, this will mean that all the work needed to process samples can be completed as quickly as possible, based on the principle “sample in—result out.”
Another key element of Greiner Bio-One’s program at Eurogin was the presentation by Bart Hesselink, PhD, on the recently concluded clinical study on PapilloCheck. In his talk, Hesselink examined approval of the PapilloCheck HPV-DNA test by the Dutch Society for Pathology. The DNA test kit can analyze 18 high-risk types of HPV and six low-risk types in parallel. Learn more about PapilloCheck.