CMS announces new procedures for receiving electronic CLIA certificates, fee coupons, and Loss of Accreditation warning letters

Nov. 27, 2023
Updates from CMS.

All CLIA laboratories that have received either a paper or electronic CLIA certificate since September 26, 2023 are able to print their own CLIA certificate from the Quality Certification and Oversight Reports (QCOR) Clinical Laboratory Lookup Tool.

The link displayed with your laboratory will be the most recently issued CLIA certificate. The certificate may or may not show the laboratory’s current information. For example, if a laboratory updates its address, QCOR may show the current address while the certificate may reflect the old address. New changes will be updated in the next issued certificate.

As of November 18, 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) ceased sending three CLIA fee coupon notices prior to the final payment date for all laboratories. CMS now sends two CLIA fee coupon notices prior to the final payment date.

On November 22, 2023, CMS will begin sending electronic fee coupon notices to those laboratories that indicated on their CLIA application (Form CMS-116) their preference to receive email notifications. Like electronic CLIA certificates, laboratories will be emailed a link to their CLIA fee coupon, which they can use to print a hard copy if they are not paying CLIA fees online. Laboratories that indicated on their CLIA application (Form CMS-116) their preference to receive email notifications may receive both paper and electronic fee coupon notices for a short time during this transition.

On November 22, 2023, CMS will begin sending electronic warning letters regarding loss of accreditation to those laboratories that indicated on their CLIA application (Form CMS-116) their preference to receive email notifications. Loss of accreditation warning letters are sent when a Certificate of Accreditation laboratory loses its accreditation voluntarily or nonvoluntarily. The warning letter includes information on steps the laboratory must take to continue to be certified by CLIA.

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