Diagnostica Stago’s Max Generation coagulation systems receive Department of Defense Health Agency Authorization to Operate

July 21, 2023
Stago will continue to collaborate with DHA’s Continuous Monitoring program to maintain ATO acceptance for the Max Generation analyzers and data management systems.

Diagnostica Stago, Inc. announced it received an Authorization to Operate from the Department of Defense Health Agency (DHA) for the company’s Max Generation analyzers and middleware solution.

Authorization to Operate (ATO) cybersecurity clearance allows all US DoD Military Treatment Facilities worldwide to purchase and connect Stago Max Generation systems to the DHA network. The ATO A&I multi-phase process includes a series of software scans, Security Technical Implementation Guide reviews, and virtual meetings with CyberLog to assess the security of the systems provided to military facilities. Over the last year, Stago cybersecurity experts, software development, and product management teams successfully worked with CyberLog in an extensive review of the applications incorporated with STA R Max, STA Compact Max and STA Coag Expert.

Stago release

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